Monday, January 02, 2006

NYP 2005/2006

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Did you see the girls here man!

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Party Girls NYP 2005/2006

Doesn't this picture look like a Coke comercial ? Posted by Picasa

Whiskey Cola for me

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Is it past midnight yet ?!!

Rob looking puzzeled. Not an usual site for the ultimate Bar king. In fact it is strange how this picture came out as the bar was getting all crazzy around Posted by Picasa

Dancing 2005 away

NYP Duesseldorf Malkasten Posted by Picasa

I see you

NYP 2005/2006 Posted by Picasa

Dancing the year away couple

Malkasten's bar in D NYP Posted by Picasa

Smoking up the party

Malkasten's Bar in Duesseldorf NYP 2005/2006 Posted by Picasa