Urban paradigm. Few cities in the world mange diversity and transformation better then Amsterdam. Architecture, economy, culture, history, tourists, politics, conflict, religion, identity all are shaping the city and it manages to survive and thrive. Where many others succumbed to the assault of modernity and trivialisation Amsterdam seems to flourish. Evidently clichés do apply. But home to the European emblematic 'Red Light District' and hundreds of 'Coffee Shops' it manages to stay completely free of vulgarity. It may be related to the typically protestant morals but somehow it stays immune to the throngs of tourists in search of some type or another of high. It is not indifferent, it just seems very well adapted. Or adjusted may be a better word. I like its diverse people and the youthful atmosphere. A weekend in Amsterdam always offers some kind of discovery and it is always a photography paradise. Last time there I went down with Ioana I only had the old D70 and a 35mm f2 Nikon lens (50 on digital). This is a fixed focal vie of Amsterdam in a hurry.