Monday, October 03, 2005

The Colors of Fall Anvers Posted by Picasa I spent the last few hours of a late afternoon and an early evening in Antwerpen. Anvers for people in Brussles and Antwerp for all the rest of the world. One of the largest ports in Europe. Second or third actually by volume of trade if you are to take into account official figures. I have not yet visited the impressive port but I have been in the city on more then one occasion. Last Sunday with a bunch of friends we went down to a restaurant I know there. The food, the wine, the company everything was great. The best though by far was the light. The entire city was enveloped in this miraculous red and dark-grey shroud of clouds. An intense autumn storm prompted shreds of these clouds to be dispersed on the sky while the combination between the skylight at dusk and the reflections in the river, dock and the dozens of puddles created a Nordic atmosphere.

I find it wierd that every time I visit the city I somehow expect to hear, smell or taste the sea. I am well aware that Antwerp is many many miles away form the North Sea. Still I asociate the port, the omnipresence of sailing related paraphernalia and the mementos in bars, museums, galleries that I find it almost a trickery that the sea is in fact so far away. Sunday the storm and the light have made the city even more maritime. Seaguls were flying amok and ships masts were rocking in the wind.

I have taken a few shots and I am pleased by the accuracy of the color reproduction. While exposure was not always perfect and I did not work enough on framing the shots properly, I still like the result and here it is for all to see.

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