Monday, February 20, 2006

Avenue de Tervuren

And this is Brussels's own version of 'Flatiron building' via my car's rain spotted windshield. I just noticed that at wide aperture this lens show serious distortion. This area of the city, twice inevitable part of my daily routine, is bourgeois and comfortable. It was a rather stupid mistake to have chosen an apartment here and for a almost a year now I am thinking about moving out. This is a nice part of town but is so very boring. Nothing much to see around and the only real advantage being the closeness of parks. That being said, it only matters in the summer given Brussels's dreadful weather. Compared to Matonge, Saint Gilles, parts of Ixelles and Place Chatelaine this is really bad. I wish I knew that two years ago when looking for a place. Neighbourhood is important. This one does not represent me and I do not feel at home. It is pretentious and lacklustre behind its turn of the century (that is XIX turning XX) facades. I would willingly give up the ample space of my current apartment for the high ceilings and nice streets of Louise area. Posted by Picasa

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