Thursday, October 13, 2005

Sahara Morocco Six a clock Posted by Picasa
I spent the night in tents with Berbers. A hint touristy but nevertheless the food was the best I had in Morocco. I slept like a log even with the sand brushing constantly my skin and screeching between my teeth. There was a strong wind, almost a tempest, and until Said showed us how to use the long Saharan turban I had the feeling of swallowing and inhaling more sand and dust then it seamed healthy. The tents are actually cool at night and I woke up around three and spent ten minutes a few steps of the tents watching the desert sky. Said, our guide, said you need a whole week in the desert far away from here to really cleanse your spirit. He may be right but it still felt right. At five and a half or six in the morning we watched the sun come up as some Canadian and French tourist were leaving the camp. There was an utter silence, the slowed down wind still blowing and the almost constant sound of sand brushing by was somehow present but not disturbing only adding to the eerie total quietness of the desert. The soft hoofs of the camels make no sound unless you are near them and nobody was in teh modd for chating. The light has a special quality to it as well. Blues and pinks in the sky and mountains rising gray and gold on the horizon. The scene was so bountiful that it actually looked like a bloody postcard.

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